Market Commentary

Quarterly Insights: October 2023

The U.S. economy has withstood the effects of higher interest rates better than expected, as what feels like the most anticipated recession of all tim...
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Market Commentary

Staying the Course

Financial markets can catch investors off guard. This year has been a case study of how market rallies can occur in the face of seemingly bad news. Do...
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Manage Wealth

Tax Benefits of "Bunching" Charitable Giving

Every year income taxpayers need to decide between taking the standard deduction or itemizing. For those that itemize deductions, a strategy to combin...
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Still Waiting for Final RMD Regulations for Inherited IRAs

The Internal Revenue Service has again postponed releasing final rules on required minimum distributions for inherited individual retirement accounts....
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Market Commentary

Quarterly Insights: July 2023

Financial markets can be full of surprises. Some provide valuable information by which we might adjust our investment strategies. Other times, surpris...
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Market Commentary

Market Update: Short-Term Pessimism, Long-Term Optimism

Around the time of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), a guest comedian on Late Night With Conan O’Brien poked fun at airline passengers who complained...
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Manage Wealth

Opportunities for Maximizing Education and Retirement Accounts

The cost of education has never been higher. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the cost of education has increased by two tim...
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Market Commentary

Quarterly Insights: April 2023

It's been a little over a year since the Federal Reserve began their aggressive tightening cycle to combat persistent inflation, increasing short-term...
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Market Commentary Grow Wealth

The Head and the Heart

In life, few things put us at the mercy of our emotions the way investing can. The last three years in the markets have been especially unnerving, exh...
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Manage Wealth

Tax and Retirement Updates

The SECURE Act that was signed into law at the end of 2019 changed key rules around Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs). Notably, the age to begin t...
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