Grow Wealth
Growth that makes sense for you
Our disciplined approach to investing
To find the securities that ultimately become part of your portfolio, our research team rigorously analyzes a broad spectrum of information. These include direct contact with companies, research found in financial publications, analysis of required financial reporting, and data and analysis acquired from research firms focused on the sectors we are evaluating.
The Clifford Swan investment team then reviews the research team’s evaluations and, drawing on our collective experience and expertise, selects the approximately 75 to 100 equities they feel hold the greatest promise, keeping in mind the range of clients currently within the firm.
Our research and investment teams assess the fair market value of the securities considered using a valuation model. Knowing that all companies have life cycles, we seek to assess the real growth of each company based on management’s ability to perpetuate that growth beyond market expectations. We focus on companies with superior management that can also demonstrate inflation-adjusted growth in cash flow, unit sales, earnings and dividends. We also seek to find these firms within growing industries.
Creating your portfolio
The creation of your portfolio is both an art and a science. Once our research and investment teams have identified what we believe are outstanding investments, your investment counselor draws from that universe to construct a portfolio that best matches your particular investment strategy. He or she will also recommend a customized asset allocation for you and answer any questions you may have regarding diversification.
As a result, you benefit from collective research applied to a portfolio created and individually managed by an adviser with intimate knowledge of your situation.
When fixed income investments are part of your portfolio, we purchase bonds for income and lower price volatility, taking advantage of market inefficiencies through a disciplined selection process. Again, the rationale for this will be carefully explained by your investment counselor.