Featured Post Market Commentary

Reflections on a Changing Investment Environment

In the investment field like many other undertakings in life, activity does not equal achievement. During periods of significant change, investors may be better served by stepping back, assessing risk...
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Market Commentary

Market Update: Short-Term Pessimism, Long-Term Optimism

Around the time of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), a guest comedian on Late Night With Conan O’Brien poked fun at airline passengers who complained...
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Market Commentary Grow Wealth

Stop the Inflation Swindle

As a key tenet of our mission at Clifford Swan is to preserve and grow our clients’ wealth, inflation protection is always on our minds. Recently, how...
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Grow Wealth

Long-Term Investors Cannot Ignore ESG

It’s no secret that ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) investing is more than a passing fad. ESG investors select companies with a focus on how the...
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Market Commentary

Rallying Into 2020

Early in the new year, after experiencing strong gains in their U.S. stock portfolios in 2019, investors saw geopolitical risk pulled into the spotlig...
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Market Commentary

Market Outlook

Uncertainty works well as a theme for any stock market outlook written at any time. It always exists, as the economy, geopolitics, and many other key ...
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Market Commentary

Playing Defense

With summer vacation season coming to a close, the stock market back within striking distance of its highs after a bout of volatility early in the yea...
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Grow Wealth

Corporate Tax Reform and the Pursuit of Value

One of the most widely accepted principles of investing is that the intrinsic, or fundamental, value of an investment equals the present value of all ...
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Market Commentary

Market Outlook

As the saying goes, "happiness is a function of reality exceeding expectations.” In other words, we are happiest when outcomes turn out better than we...
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