Market Commentary

Quarterly Insights: April 2022

The winds of change blew strong this past quarter, with new trends emerging and others shifting. Specifically, global risks have increased, a move tow...
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Market Commentary

Markets and Current Events

The economic and financial market backdrops are changing, and the news headlines have been quite disconcerting. After averaging gains of 20% for the p...
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Market Commentary

U.S. Monetary Policy: Massive and Dominant

U.S. monetary policy is more active than ever, with the Federal Reserve exerting considerable influence on the global financial and economic environme...
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Manage Wealth

3 Pillars for a Happy Retirement

What do a fitness tracking device, a budget, and an appointment calendar have in common? They are all tools to motivate you and monitor your progress ...
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Market Commentary

Quarterly Insights: January 2022

Looking back on the past year from an economic and investment perspective, 2021 provided robust economic growth and strong gains in the U.S. stock mar...
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Market Commentary

Searching for Opportunity

As we approach year-end, it’s natural to reflect on the investment year that was and, more importantly, consider where to find investment opportunitie...
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Manage Wealth

Different Ways to Give

Philanthropy is top-of-mind for many of our clients during the holiday season. In this theme, we are pleased to republish an article that Ken Dike, ou...
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Market Commentary

Quarterly Insights: October 2021

The U.S. economy continues its recovery from early 2020. However, economic indicators point to a slowing rate of growth. Estimates for annual GDP grow...
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Market Commentary

Long Day’s Journey into Night

Two features define the current economic and financial market backdrop. The first and most obvious is the significant increase in government involveme...
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Grow Wealth

Does Cryptocurrency Belong in Your Portfolio?

Cryptocurrencies have entered the mainstream. What began as a white paper written by the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008, titled “Bitcoin: A Peer-...
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