Featured Post Market Commentary

Reflections on a Changing Investment Environment

In the investment field like many other undertakings in life, activity does not equal achievement. During periods of significant change, investors may be better served by stepping back, assessing risk...
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Manage Wealth

A New High in Gift Annuity Rates

With payout rates higher than they have been in more than a decade, and possible interest rate cuts on the horizon, now is an opportune time to consid...
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Manage Wealth

Update: Charitable Gift Annuities More Attractive As Payout Rates Rise Again

Now is a good time for those wanting to give to consider establishing a charitable gift annuity. At its core, a CGA is an arrangement whereby assets a...
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Manage Wealth

Gift Annuity Payout Rates Are Increasing

There are many ways to support charitable causes financially. There are outright cash donations, bequests in an estate, different types of charitable ...
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Manage Wealth

3 Pillars for a Happy Retirement

What do a fitness tracking device, a budget, and an appointment calendar have in common? They are all tools to motivate you and monitor your progress ...
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Manage Wealth

Balancing Risk and Reward

"The two great risks are risking too much but also risking too little. That’s for each person to decide.” —Jimmy Chin, professional climber “Just taki...
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Market Commentary

The Great Unwind

Flash back ten years ago to late 2007 and early 2008. George W. Bush was serving his second term as President. Crocs were in style. The new Apple iPho...
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Grow Wealth

Back to Basics: Asset Allocation

What is asset allocation? Simply put, it is the strategic mix of asset classes in a portfolio. The universe of assets in which to invest is broad and ...
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Grow Wealth

Is Fixed Income Still Relevant in a Low Interest Rate World?

The short answer to the question is “yes.” Despite global financial turbulence and central bank policies, fixed income will continue to provide steady...
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Grow Wealth

Is the PC Dead?

Headlines abound touting the death of the personal computer (PC). Just this past July, it was widely reported that personal computer shipments in the ...
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