Featured Post Market Commentary

Reflections on a Changing Investment Environment

In the investment field like many other undertakings in life, activity does not equal achievement. During periods of significant change, investors may be better served by stepping back, assessing risk...
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Grow Wealth

Alternative Investments: What Are They and Do They Belong in Your Portfolio?

Many investors have seen or heard periodic ads for alternative investments or read about them in various business and investment sources. The natural ...
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Market Commentary

U.S. Monetary Policy: Massive and Dominant

U.S. monetary policy is more active than ever, with the Federal Reserve exerting considerable influence on the global financial and economic environme...
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Market Commentary

Putting 2020 Behind Us and Looking Towards 2021

We can all agree that 2020 has been anything but an ordinary year. In March, the U.S. and much of the world went into lockdown due to the escalation o...
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Grow Wealth

Fundamental Equity Analysis: What Do the Numbers Say?

At its core, our equity investment approach at Clifford Swan is to own businesses. On behalf of our clients, we purchase companies that make goods, pr...
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Market Commentary

Market Outlook

As investors entering 2018, we are experiencing a nine-year-old bull market in domestic equities, with many of the major technology companies leading ...
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Grow Wealth

Inflation: Is This the Inflection Point?

The U.S. economy may be at an inflation inflection point. Oil prices have doubled since February of 2016, and the election of Donald Trump as the Pres...
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Market Commentary

Negative Interest Rates: The Imaginary Has Become Reality

In finance and economics, negative interest rates were thought to be imaginary and impossible. In the last few years, the impossible has become realit...
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Grow Wealth

Uncertainty and Change: Working with a Single-Digit World

Uncertainty and change are something we live with every day, and, as investors, we always have the current crises and global issues as the backdrop fo...
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Market Commentary

Market Outlook October 2013

Asset returns over the 12 months ending September 30, 2013, have been a contrast in results. U.S. equities returned roughly 20% (as measured by the S&...
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Market Commentary

Breaking News for Municipal Bonds

When conducting our due diligence into the municipal bonds we purchase on behalf of our clients, the reliance on municipal insurance is minimal in Cli...
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