Featured Post Market Commentary

Reflections on a Changing Investment Environment

In the investment field like many other undertakings in life, activity does not equal achievement. During periods of significant change, investors may be better served by stepping back, assessing risk...
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Grow Wealth

Lessons Learned by a Patient Investor

I began my investment counseling career in 1979. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) ranged between a low of 797 and a high of 897 that year (the ...
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Manage Wealth

Making Withdrawals from IRA Accounts

The purpose of this article is to describe IRA withdrawals for a typical retiree. It is not meant to be a comprehensive review of the subject, or to o...
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Manage Wealth

Saving for College

Parents today are faced with the long-term challenge of funding their own retirement accounts and simultaneously saving for their children's college e...
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